GhostStop just announced the release of their newest product for ghost hunting, the SBox Ghost Scanner and Recorder. I’ve noticed that GhostStop teases a lot of the products they have in the works. Many times they will conduct a pre-order period while production is still underway. They’ve been teasing this one for a while now – maybe a few months now. We all expected another soft pre-order. Then, Boom! They came out with a bang on an awesome product that’s shipping immediately.

“As investigators ourselves, we focus on equipment that has features we need to keep evidence clean and easy to attain. We’ve had the idea for SBox in mind for quite some time as a multi-use tool that could server many purposes. In development, I kept saying to myself, ‘let’s go a step further.'” says Shawn Porter, owner of GhostStop and ghost hunting equipment designer. He describes their mission in developing equipment for the paranormal field that excels in gathering clean evidence that is easy to use for investigators. SBox is a new ghost box which also records along with many other functions to aid the investigator including what they have dubbed, Spike Detect.
If you are familiar with other spirit boxes and ghost boxes such as the SB7, SB11, ‘Shack Hack’, Franks Box and the like, you might be familiar with this research style. In short, the SBox scans radio bands quickly – like if you were sitting in the front seat of an old Buick, flipped the radio on and turned the tuning knob all the way in one direction. Various theories on this suggest that spirit voices can come through on these frequencies and/or help fuel energy they need to come through with white noise. The big step SBox takes here is the ability to record directly from the radio line-in thereby removing contamination that can be introduced if you just lay a recorder down next to an SB7. They’ve also programmed the device to detect if there is a spike in the activity and hold on that frequency for a bit longer in case something is trying to come through. Other ghost boxes sweep by the station so fast that you barely get a syllable of it and end up doing a lot of interpretation go decipher the context. SBox, with its Spike Detect feature detects that coming through and holds there for a moment longer opening up the door to multiple syllables, words, phrases or short sentences.
“We always have a list of new products on our deck. SBox is a combination of many of those and we are proud to add it to our existing line.”
SBox VIDEO Overview
For more information on SBox Ghost Scanner head over to